Monday, October 18, 2010

A Fantastic Clinic in Toronto

Greetings faithful followers...are you out there?

Furst Love is going from strength to strength at Echelon Farm in Guyton, Georgia  under the saddle of
Genevieve Edwards.  I have been travelling a great deal and still unable to get a regular rhythm going
with him so for the time being Genevieve is his rider.

I have learnt a great deal about my superstar Furst Love in the past few months.  He is a generous, talented horse....when he wants to be.  I decided to take a step back,  take the pressure off and let him be a youngster for another 6 months at Echelon Farms.  The good news is,  it seems to be working!
His temper tantrums a la bucking bronc are less and less,  he is more forward in his flatwork now and he
loves his new life of sleeping out in the paddocks at night (think cub scout camping) and lounging about in
his air conditioned stall in the day.

I train Genevieve on him every week,  just focusing on forward and consistent contact.  Genevieve is
working on keeping her seat more engaged and the forward impulsion while not putting too much
pressure on him.  He has become a show jumper also,  a specialist in demolition of a 2 ft course ....not
seeing Hickstead or Spruce Meadows in his future....but maybe he will be a late bloomer.
He is the happiest I have ever seen him and long may it last.  Mummy hacks him out on the weekend
and concentrates on not pressurizing him with anything more than he can handle.

We are planning our first show this fall - just a baby class with walk, trot and canter.

I recently spent a most wonderful weekend teaching Debbie Dobson's lovely clients at
Equestrian Dreams in Campbellville, (Toronto), Ontario
I can't thank the organizers,  Debbie, Gemma and Jim,  enough for making me feel so welcome and
the amazing riders and horses I had the pleasure to teach.
In three days the progress and results were truly astounding and the spectators who came to observe
heartily agreed.  Great facility, great audience and great riders-I can't wait to come back in April (22-25).

There were laughs aplenty in the Dobson household which has an abundance of white cats with varying degrees of handicap issues.  My first evening was spent in full terror of pending feline allergies so I
hid in my room to avoid any straying cat hairs...but the "puddy cats" had other ideas.  While Debbie and JIm where out checking on the horses,  I was holed up in my room which it seems had once been their
favorite meeting place.  There was meowing and howling in unison at my door with a spray of white
paws under the door...trying to find the handle or key, I believe.  I yelled at the cat to be quiet only
to realize that she was deaf and blind....I have renamed her Helen Keller kitty.

My website will be launched in a few  Thanks for staying in touch.
Your comments are welcome.

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